Tips for organising busy spaces
Organising busy spaces with lots of fiddly components (like craft supplies) can be overwhelming. Follow these guidelines to reduce feeling overwhelmed when you DIY your home organisation.
Should you get a storage unit?
The topic of storage units comes up often when I'm working with clients. I think there naturally comes a moment when the process of decluttering feels a bit hard, and the solution seems to be to hire a storage unit.
Welcome to the team, Jo!
Jo is a recent addition to The Ship Shape Shoppe. We’ve worked on two client projects together, and I found Jo lovely to work with. She gets down to work quickly, and has excellent ideas about how to organise spaces.
What's your decluttering personality?
I've been a professional organiser for 4.5 years now, helping people around New Zealand declutter and organise their homes. In that time, I reckon I've come across three distinct decluttering personality types.
How to make clutter disappear
I worked for a lovely client a couple of weeks ago who had just moved her studio and shop to a new location. She needed help organising her stock room; with less space than she was used to in her previous premises, she was feeling overwhelmed at the idea of creating an effective and fuss-free store room.
Try this simple decluttering strategy in your home
Something that I see often with my clients is things overflowing from a designated space into other areas of the home. Think - towels overflowing from the jam-packed linen cupboard to take up space in the spare room's wardrobe; cans of peaches that don't fit in the pantry being tucked into the garage.
Meh, who needs help getting organised? Erm... it takes all sorts!
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kylie Klein-Nixon for an article she was writing for Stuff - she wanted to chat about the online trend of watching other people organise their spaces. What was really cool is that during the article, Kylie asked if I had any clients that might be willing to have a chat with her to provide another perspective for the article.
How to maintain focus when you are decluttering
It can be hard to stay focused when working on decluttering your life. It is common to become distracted by literally anything and everything in the home - which not only makes it take longer but also can make it pretty demotivating. Let’s look at strategies to help you stay focused when decluttering and organising your home.
What is "holistic organisation"?
I believe there is an organisational sweet spot that exists when a business or household is both clutter-free and systems-lead. In that sweet spot, it becomes easier to maintain order and keep things running ship shape.
Bullet journal starter package - competition!
I’m doing an epic amazing super-exciting prize draw worth over $150! Can I get a woop woop!?
Plastics/Tupperware Drawer Makeover
My own personal Tupperware Transformation… I’m spilling the beans on my own tried and tested method for organising the plastics.
I'm going to be on the radio!
I’m on the radio this weekend! All the details about where and when to tune in, so you can ask any questions about decluttering for downsizing.
Side Table Minimalism
Decluttering your side table and setting the right mood in your room will greatly improve the quality of your sleep…
What is "pile up"… and how to stop it in its tracks
Pile up is the phenomenon that plagues pretty much every house I’ve ever visited. But what is it? How does it start? More importantly, how do we stop it in its tracks?!
Weekend organisation plans: client measure and drop offs
This weekend is all about my clients! I’m measuring and photographing for a new client, and dropping stuff off for an existing client. I truly care about my clients and making myself available on the weekend is a great way for me to provide them with exceptional service.
Tame the Tupperware - preparation
Week three of Kitchen Month means… it’s Tupperware time! The prep work this week is fast and easy. So pull out, pair up and pare back your Tupperware, and let’s end it’s reign of terror in your kitchen!
Hello November, hello kitchen month!
Throughout November I’ll be sharing my top tips to whip the kitchen into shape. I’ll be delving into the pantry, the fridge and the notorious Tupperware drawer/cupboard (AKA the pit of despair).
Ponsonby kitchen transformation
Check out the latest transformation - this time a newly renovated kitchen in Ponsonby. I also share my top tips for a pantry transformation for those wanting to DIY.
Babies vs efficiency
Babies sleep heaps, right? There is plenty of time during the day to get stuff done, right? Yes, and no - this blog is dedicated to the mamas and the papas out there who are trying to juggle efficiency and sanity with being the primary caregiver of a tiny efficiency sucker.