Meet our team of professional organisers

We feel pretty lucky that we get to do work that genuinely feels satisfying, while helping people create happier, more harmonious spaces in their home.

The Decluttering & Organising Co was founded by Rebekah Holmes in 2018 (previously known as The Ship Shape Shoppe). It turned out that plenty of households could do with a hand, so to help more homes get organised, Beks has grown a team of efficiency experts who get just as excited about a drawer divider as she does.

We’re here because we love organisation. We are the kind of people who don’t think it’s possible to simply *walk past* the storage solution aisle. We can’t help having a nosey at our friends’ wardrobe system. And we go weak for a well-labelled pantry. But really what makes us so good at what we do is our empathy, the way we listen to understand, and our ability to problem solve and think on our feet to create solutions that work for you.

The Decluttering & Organising Co has a team of professional organisers to help out in your home

We do realistic solutions for everyday clutter.

We think there’s no such thing as a perfect home, nor do we think it’s something to strive for. We prioritise family-friendly over fancy, making sure solutions are simple enough that they stick. Mess happens because life happens, but the right systems can stop them from spiralling (and don’t worry, your mess is probably not the worst we’ve seen). 

We know it’s not all ‘just stuff’.

There are emotional connections and memories sitting in our shelves and our boxes. Parting ways with cherished items, full of nostalgia, is a process. We get that. We never pressure anyone into letting go of what’s still wanted; we don’t evangelise minimalism. But, we can support you in making those decisions so you feel good about what’s going or staying (and what happens with it next).

Meet our team

Beks - Founder

I’m a reformed ‘messy person’ who realised that life is easier when you have systems that make it fast and simple to tidy up. As a mum, a wife, an entrepreneur, I wanted to help everyday people (like me!) reclaim their own time by reducing the overwhelm in their home.

I know that clutter isn’t just an inconvenience. It can be an emotional weight as much as a physical one. Therefore, making space in your home is also about freeing up the time and headspace you need to feel calm, productive, peaceful and focused. 

Jo – Senior Organiser

I’m a people person who loves to see others happy and comfortable in their homes. I have a passion for sorting, organising and creating systems that work for busy individuals and families. I’m a nature lover, a forager, gatherer and collector, so I understand the push and pull of loving precious things but needing spaces that display them without cluttering the flow of daily life.

I would love to help you in your spaces, to create organisation that works to help you relax and live more harmoniously.

Tricia – Organiser

I have moved many times in my life - including 4 international moves! I'm an expert packer and brilliant organiser. I'm the person my friends call when they need something whipped into shape.

I enjoy organising and helping people tidy up before selling their home. It's amazing the difference a good declutter can make before you list your home.

Rosie - Assistant Organiser

I have had 10 years of experience as a nanny and housekeeper, wrangling kids' messes and storing their stuff. But what truly lights my fire is decluttering homes and seeing the joy it brings to people's lives. Every item has a story, and I love hearing about the memories your things hold before helping you decide if this is the right time to let something go.

I've been an aunty since I was 10, and as a devoted dog mum, I get the challenges that come with having kids and furbabies ruling the roost.

Here’s what others (just like you) had to say

Decluttering might not be your jam, but for us, it’s a great day at the office! 

Get in touch to find out more, or book in with one of our efficiency experts.