Sick Of Having No Space? Why You Should Declutter Your Home

Are you always running late because you can’t find your car keys, your sunnies, or your wallet? 

Or perhaps you are struggling to be the organised person you want to be because you can’t find that bill you were meant to pay, that appointment card from your mechanic, or the flea treatments you bought for the dog!

Not being able to find the things you need when you need them is frustrating and stressful. But the truth is that clutter can be more than just a mild inconvenience.

A cluttered house can be harmful to your mental and physical health, career, and finances! But all this can be fixed when you declutter.

In today’s blog, we talk about the frustration of a cluttered home and hear how one woman changed her life by organising her spaces.

Declutter Your Space To Clear Your Mind

Research shows that people with cluttered, unorganised homes had higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This is unsurprising given that our exasperation and frustration levels hit the roof when we are constantly misplacing important items!

And it’s not just about inconvenience. Often, when people think their home is messy, it adds to their stress levels as they beat themselves up about not being tidy enough or organised enough.

On top of the ever-present stress hormones that can cause fatigue, depression, and brain fog, cluttered homes can contribute to significant health issues.

Another study presented in Psychological Science discovered that people living in an uncluttered, orderly environment are more likely to choose healthier food options than those living in a messy one. It turns out that the stress caused by the mess can encourage us to resort to comfort eating to make ourselves feel better!

As many of us can relate to, Shireen Spaull felt she had an eternally messy house and a two-car garage that had no room for vehicles. 

Overwhelmed and unsure where to start, Shireen reached out to Rebekah at The Ship Shape Shoppe for advice on tackling one of the most common problem areas in many homes – the garage. Rebekah worked with Shireen over Zoom to declutter this area step by step.

Keep Your Precious Things Precious

For many Kiwis, our garages aren’t just for parking the cars! They end up being the “home” for all the stuff we are not quite sure what to do with – from tools and old appliances to boxes packed full of precious mementos.

But when there’s no room for the car, it’s probably time to declutter and organise that collection of garage treasures. And you never know, during the process, you might discover some precious mementoes that you weren’t even aware of!

“There was not only my entire childhood in that garage, but my kids’ childhoods, as well as things I’d kept from my late parents - such as Mum’s wedding dress and my christening gown,” says Shireen.

Clearing the clutter can be an emotional experience for many, and this should be acknowledged and respected throughout the process. A caring Clutter Coach can help you sort through your priceless memories and find more effective ways to store or display them – because some things deserve more than being stuffed in a box in your dusty garage!

“I cried when I realised Mum had made my christening gown, as there was an extra piece of material that matched (and Mum was a seamstress). Rebekah didn’t hasten me to stop crying. She shared in this moment and gave me her view on what to do with both my christening gown and Mum’s wedding dress.Rebekah took an interest in me as a person, and my kids and husband as a family. She was aware of what was going to be hard and always treated me with respect.

Clutter Coaching Can Help Sort More Than Just Your Cupboards

Being organised and managing your clutter can truly be a life-changing experience. No longer will you leave the house feeling harried and hurried! Your stress levels will be lower, your bills will be paid on time, and your work will feel more streamlined. 

Even better, you will have that feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction every time you know exactly where to find whatever it is that you need.

“Rebekah has changed my life. I know where things are - from simple things like a tape measure and tools to harder things like push pins and blu-tack. She is a life coach of belongings! I’m deeply indebted to Rebekah for her unswerving belief that I could - and did - declutter my entire house and garage.

Working With A Professional Organiser

Are you feeling hesitant about the idea of having a stranger tell you what to do with your precious (and not so precious) things?

Well, the great news is that it doesn’t have to be a stressful process. Take Shireen’s word for it! “The process was really easy, Rebekah put me at ease and gave me simple, manageable steps to complete.

One of the things I loved about working with Rebekah was her compassion. Weird, I know, as she is a professional organiser. However, I felt she honoured my parents’ stuff and mine. She has the personal professional touch that not everyone can get right. 

I’m deeply indebted to Rebekah for her unswerving belief that I could - and did - declutter my entire house and garage.”

If you would like to feel happier at home by reducing the amount of chaos and clutter around you, contact me today for a free 15-minute consultation. I’d love to hear from you!


What is "holistic organisation"?


How to declutter when your whole house feels like a mess