Ask me anything!

I’m really excited to announce a new segment on the blog - well, it’s an old concept, but a new segment for me. It’s called “Ask Me Anything!” - you send me a question about an organisational challenge you’re facing (including a photo), and I give you my recommendations on how to fix it in a blog post. And it’s all freeeeeeee! This is a perfect way to get free advice on questions like:

  • My kids’ drawers never seem to stay tidy. Do you have any tips?

  • My bathroom cabinet is always in disarray. What am I doing wrong?

  • My desk is a pigsty and I can’t seem to keep it clean. What would you recommend?

How to submit a question

Send an email to Make sure you include:

  • A description of your issue - 250 words or less please.

  • A good quality photo of the problem area.

How I will respond

I will confirm that I’ve received your message by return email, and then write a blog post with my suggestions (I won’t use your name unless you specifically request that I do, for example if you want a shout out for your business - happy to do that). I will email you when it has been published, and it will be featured in my weekly newsletter.

How long will it take?

Current turnaround time is 5 working days.

Terms and conditions

  • After submitting a question to Ask Me Anything, you will automatically be added to my mailing list. You can read my privacy policy here, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

  • If for some reason I cannot answer your question, I will let you know as soon as possible. Reasons I might not be able to answer include (but are not limited to): too much detail required to answer; not enough detail provided; question outside of my scope of expertise.

  • Creepy, gross or abusive questions will be ignored and deleted without correspondence.

  • This is a free service. I reserve the right to change or remove this service at any point.


Pro tips


Weekend plans - friends and family